When you have a tooth extracted, it is important to take care of your mouth and your teeth afterward. You can’t just leave the site of the extraction open and wait for it to heal. This guide addresses what you do after tooth extraction in South Lake Tahoe, CA.
It is not always necessary for a dentist to remove a tooth. Dentists may recommend root canal treatment instead of extraction if there are no signs of infection. However, if the tooth is broken or has developed an infection, it may need to be removed.
Below are some reasons why you might have your tooth removed:
When you go to the dentist, they will either remove a tooth completely or put a filling in it. In both cases, you can expect to experience some pain and discomfort. The pain may be dull at first but will increase as the day goes on.
You may also experience gum soreness and swelling. 24 hours after the tooth extraction procedure, a blood clot forms in the socket to facilitate healing. It is crucial to protect the clot and prevent it from dislodging and causing a dry socket. This causes bad pain breath and can slow down the healing process.
The dentist will provide you with tooth extraction aftercare instructions. These may include taking medications, eating soft foods, and exercising your jaw.
The first step after a tooth extraction is to take care of your gums and mouth by rinsing with water and brushing them thoroughly with a soft-bristled brush. You will also need to rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution that can help reduce swelling and pain in your mouth.
The following are a few things you need to know about tooth extraction recovery.
1. Eat soft foods or those that are well-chewed as they will be easier on your mouth as it heals.
2. Clean the site of your extraction immediately after your procedure. You should use a sterile gauze pad or cotton ball and cold saltwater to rinse around the area. Avoid using hot water as this can increase blood flow to the area and prolong healing time
3. Avoid smoking, drinking, and spitting for a few days after extraction as these can cause infection in the mouth.
4. Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush or use an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth from time to time.
5. Avoid using a straw when you take beverages to protect the blood clot
6. Use a cold compress or ice pack on the affected side to prevent swelling
7. Rinse your mouth with warm saline water to ease discomfort.
8. Bite a gauze pad for three to four hours (unless soaked with blood) to reduce bleeding and allow the blood clot to form in the socket.
9. Relax and limit all activities for 24 hours after the extraction
Typically, it takes one to two weeks for the gums to heal. But some factors can make this take longer or shorter. Smoking, drugs, or disease can increase healing time considerably.
Bleeding will subside in a few hours after the teeth are removed. However, if you have bleeding gums for more than four hours, visit the dentist immediately. You can also contact the dentist if you experience fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, redness, or excessive discharge from the surgical site.
Visit Tahoe Dentist for more information about tooth extraction recovery and aftercare instructions.